Dancing with a Small Carbon Footprint
Minimizing carbon footprint is critically important and as part of our ongoing efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle, The Ridgefield School of Dance invested in high efficiency LED studio lighting during our recent expansion.
Our newly efficient brava Studio
We are happy to let you know that the new lights will reduce our electricity needs by as much as 60%. Our new LED lights use as little as 40 watts of renewably-sourced electricity per unit, while the old fluorescent units used as many as 128 watts for the same amount of light. To make things even more efficient, the lighting in each studio is controlled by three separate dimmable switches. Not only are the new lights more efficient, they run cooler and therefore reduce the need for air conditioning. And finally, the color rendition is decidedly better and will light all our dancers, leotards and costumes in a more accurate and pleasing way.
You may have noticed that in our lounges and hallway we have installed new track lighting. These units are also dimmable LED units that help to reduce our carbon footprint.
Our newly efficient Family Lounge
Our newly efficient DAncer Lounge
Heating and Air Conditioning
Our heating and air conditioning is carefully monitored and controlled on a precise schedule, matched to the needs of each class to eliminate the waste of unnecessary use. Finally, in each studio we have standing fans to circulate cool air to help reduce the need for more air-conditioning.
Reduce, reuse, recycle
We encourage all students to use reusable water bottles and the The Ridgefield School of Dance provides a receptacle for recyclables. We would like to see increased use of reusable cups/containers for hot and iced coffee. They not only reduce and reuse, they keep your hot drinks hotter and your cold drinks colder.
The Future
Even though The Ridgefield School of Dance is reducing its carbon footprint, as the opportunities arise, we will do what we can to further reduce, reuse and recycle, moving us toward the goal of a carbon neutral school of dance. We will take them in the interest of all the children that have danced with us in the past, dance with us now and will dance with us in the future.